Pricing Plans

Start fixing with
Mobb Today

Pick a plan that's right for you.
For open-source contributors
Secure your public repos for free.
Unlimited fixes on public repos
One scanning tool integration
One code platform integration
Community support
Includes a 30-day free trial of our Team tier!
Start now
For small teams
Secure your code with essential capabilities.
Per dev / month
Fixes for one private repo
One scanning tool integration
One code platform integration
In-app support
Minimum of 5 contributors, up to 15.
Start now
For large teams and organizations
Standardize auto-fixing across your organization.
Let’s talk 👋
Unlimited fixes for any repo
Unlimited scanning tools integration
Unlimited code platform integration
Pull request monitor & fix
Fix automation
Advanced deployment options
Enterprise support
Schedule a call
Our transparent pricing model is based on contributing developer —
 we believe you should only pay for what you use
Full plans details
Compare the features you get
Suitable for open-source
projects maintainers
Start now
Great for small teams that want
to save development time.
Start now
Ideal for large organizations 
with multiple teams and processes.
Schedule a call
Price per GitHub
$0 forever
Plus a 30-day trial of Pro
$40 per developer x month
Limited time offer!
Let’s talk
to understand your needs.
Fixes on repos
Only public
One private repo
Scanning tool integration
Choose one
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Choose one
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Combine multiple scanners
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Code platform integration
Choose one
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Choose one
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Combine multiple scanners
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Code platform connection options
Only cloud
Only cloud
Connect your on-prem code server
Mobb Deployment
Only SaaS
Only SaaS
SaaS, private cloud, on-prem
Community Slack
In-app chat, email
Dedicated support manager
Compliance frameworks
Certificates upon request
Certificates upon request
Granular team permissions
Full granularity
False positive identification
Pull request monitoring
Get immediate fixes on pull request reported issues
Fix automation
Manual fixing
Manual fixing
Get automatic pull request whenever a fix is available
SAML authentication
Audit Log
Suitable for open-source

projects maintainers
Price per GitHub
$0 forever
Plus a 30-day trial of Pro
Fixes on repos
Only public
Scanning tool integration
Choose one
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Code platform integration
Choose one
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Code platform connection options
Only cloud
Mobb Deployment
Only SaaS
Community Slack
Compliance frameworks
SOC 2, ISO27001
Granular team permissions
False positive identification
Pull request monitoring
Fix automation
Manual fixing
SAML single sign-on
Audit Log
Start now
Great for small teams that want
to save development time.
Price per GitHub
$40 per developer x month
Limited time offer!
Fixes on repos
One private repo
Scanning tool integration
Choose one
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Code platform integration
Choose one
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Code platform connection options
Only cloud
Mobb Deployment
Only SaaS
In-app chat, email
Compliance frameworks
SOC 2, ISO27001
Certificates upon request
Granular team permissions
False positive identification
Pull request monitoring
Fix automation
Manual fixing
SAML single sign-on
Audit Log
Start now
Ideal for large organizations 
with multiple teams and processes.
Price per GitHub
Let’s talk
to understand your needs.
Fixes on repos
Scanning tool integration
Combine multiple scanners
Checkmarx, Fortify, SonarQube, Snyk, CodeQL
Code platform integration
Combine multiple scanners
GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket
Code platform connection options
Connect your on-prem code server
Mobb Deployment
SaaS, private cloud, on-prem
Dedicated support manager
Compliance frameworks
SOC 2, ISO27001
Certificates upon request
Granular team permissions
Full granularity
False positive identification
Pull request monitoring
Get immediate fixes on pull request reported issues
Fix automation
Get automatic pull request whenever a fix is available
SAML single sign-on
Audit Log
Schedule a call
Most common questions
How does Mobb count contributors?
Mobb follows GitHub’s definition of a Contributor (i.e., an active committer). “A committer is considered active if one of their commits has been pushed to the repository within the last 90 days, regardless of when it was originally authored.” Paid tiers only count active contributors if they have made a commit to at least one private repository where Mobb is installed.
How does Mobb protect customers’ IP and privacy?
Mobb is built with security and privacy at its core. We do not share, store, or use customer data for training. Any data processed is temporarily cached and remains securely within our environment. Only the specific portions of code flagged for vulnerabilities are analyzed, ensuring your intellectual property stays protected. With Mobb, you can trust your data is safe — always.
Does Mobb store my code?
No, Mobb does not store your code. All data is temporarily cached and stays securely within our environment, never shared, used for training, or retained beyond the specific portions flagged for vulnerabilities. Our platform automatically purges data after processing, ensuring zero risk of IP contamination or unauthorized use. With Mobb, your intellectual property remains fully protected.
Does Mobb Store any credit card information?
No, Mobb does not store any credit card information. Purchases can only be made through the GitHub Marketplace, Microsoft Azure, AWS Marketplace or by speaking with us.
Do you have special pricing for early stage startups or security consultants?
Yes! We offer a Community Version that is and will always be free for open-source projects. Additionally, we provide a discounted plan for smaller teams, ensuring affordability for early-stage startups and security consultants.

If you have specific questions or unique use cases, feel free to contact us —most of us have been security consultants in a past life, and we all love startups!
We’re an Open Source project. Can we get special access to Team or Enterprise?
We support the open-source community! Our Community Version is always free for open-source projects. If you need access to Team or Enterprise features, reach out to us — we’d love to discuss how we can support your project. Contact us to chat directly with a team member.
Is there a maximum license count for each plan?
Yes. The Team Plan requires a minimum of 5 contributors and supports up to 15 contributors. The Enterprise Plan offers unlimited contributors to scale with your needs.
How do you ensure your AI fixes work?
Mobb’s fixes are developed by security researchers following best practices, with AI handling precise, time-consuming tasks to deliver trustworthy, scalable fixes. Our AI model is equipped with proprietary data, enabling it to engage in a context-aware conversation with the engine.

Rather than blindly applying LLM-suggested fixes, we first analyze the code. If additional context is needed, we request the LLM to validate and expand on the required details, ensuring the proposed solution is viable before implementation. This approach combines LLM capabilities with security expertise, resulting in highly reliable fixes.
How does Mobb’s AI avoid hallucinations?
Mobb’s approach eliminates hallucinations by never applying LLM-suggested fixes outright. We start by thoroughly analyzing the code to understand its context and requirements. If additional context is needed, we then ask the LLM to validate and expand on the relevant details. This methodical process ensures that every proposed solution is vetted and viable before it’s implemented, effectively reducing the risk of inaccurate or hallucinated fixes unlike our competitors.